On October 10, 2014, the vibrant city of Phnom Penh, Cambodia witnessed an exciting event as the renowned Singaporean actress Jeanette Aw, along with her co-stars Elvin Ng and Desmond Tan, attended a press briefing to promote their episodic drama series titled “The Journey: A Voyage”. This highly anticipated MediaCorp drama was set to air for the local Cambodian TV networks CTN and PPCTV. The event was met with an overwhelming response from their Cambodian fans who eagerly presented them with flowers and enthusiastically took photos with them.
This was not the only occasion that brought Jeanette Aw to Cambodia. In March 2014, she made a memorable visit to the iconic Angkor Wat Temple in Siem Reap Province. The Angkor Wat Temple, known for its stunning architectural beauty and historical significance, is a must-visit attraction for any traveler. Jeanette’s visit to this majestic temple was a part of her exploratory journey into the rich Khmer culture and tradition.
In addition to its magnificent temples, Siem Reap is also home to an array of traditional Khmer culinary delights. Aw’s visit gave her an opportunity to experience these local Khmer traditional foods that are deeply interwoven with the culture of the land. The trip offered her an enriching experience, allowing her to delve into the local lifestyle, history, and traditions.
Indeed, both Cambodia and the Siem Reap Temples are places of significant cultural interest that one must visit at least once. They offer a unique mix of historical architecture, rich traditions, and delicious local cuisine that provide a truly immersive travel experience. As seen in Jeanette Aw’s journey, a visit here not only offers a visual feast of ancient architectural marvels like the Angkor Wat Temple but also provides a deeper understanding and appreciation of the local Khmer culture and traditions.